정확도 높이기
Complete the following requirements with top-p = 0.01, temperature = 0.01, and beam width = 100.
작성할 글의 개요 요구하기
I am going to write a blog post about [TOPIC NAME]. That blog post covers [SUBTOPIC]. I want you give me an outline of blog post about [TOPIC NAME]. In your outline, topic represent in Roman letters and subtopics in alphavetical order.
개요나 이전에 작성한 초안 바탕으로 블로그 글 작성, 또는 정리 요구하기
Below is draft and outline of a blog post I wrote. I'd like to polish it up and write it. The topic of my post is [TOPIC NAME]. format is markdown. post includes titles and subtitles. If you write code for my blog post, I want that code is C++ code. and When you're done writing, type END at the end of the post.
요구와 예시
Instruction : write computer system architecture article with page count.
Example :
Page 1 : Computer system architecture is....
답변이 끊겼을 경우 계속 이어나가기
keep showing
긴글 나누어서 넣고 정리 요청(https://www.chatgpters.org/c/research/chatgpt)
I'll spilt up the entire article. Your task is to respond only with 'Okay' untill I type 'Complete' first. When I type 'Complete', you will follow the steps below.
1. Please summarize this article in one sentence.
2. Please summarize the purpose, core, and necessity of the article in 3 bullets each.
3. Please summarize the subject, method, and results of the study into three categories.
4. In the conclusion, summarize the implications and follow-up research plans suggested by the researchers and tell me the three additional follow-up research directions.