
유용한 링크, 흥미로운 링크 모음

studylida 2023. 1. 31. 21:00

Top 5 Websites to host your projects (in 2023): https://twitter.com/ravikmmr/status/1620098745311576065

  1. Github Pages
  2. Netlify
  3. Heroku
  4. Firebase
  5. Vercel

Best Courses to Learn React https://twitter.com/javinpaul/status/1620274482417139712

  1. Modern React
  2. React Complete Guide
  3. Complete React Developer
  4. React Specialization
  5. React: getting started

The "Build Your Own Redis" Book is Completed https://build-your-own.org/blog/20230127_byor/

5 Best Microservice Courses 2023 https://twitter.com/javarevisited/status/1619933516766257153
1. Microservice Architecture - https://bit.ly/3w1zGva
2. Microservice Principles - https://bit.ly/3ruSCR7
3. Scalable Microservices - https://bit.ly/3MaP7GS
4. Microservice with Java - https://bit.ly/2FNlleF
more - https://bit.ly/3PQzR3v

Free machine learning crash course from @BerkeleyML https://ml.berkeley.edu/blog/tag/crash-course/

All Posts tagged as "Crash Course" - ML@B Blog

The basics of machine learning - regression, cost functions, and gradient descent. Read


7 Books Every JS Developer should Read 📚👇 https://twitter.com/madzadev/status/1619628659869990912

📖 Eloquent JavaScript
📖 You Don’t Know JS
📖 Effective JavaScript
📖 JavaScript: The Good Parts
📖 JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
📖 A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript
📖 Programming JavaScript Applications

22 things I wish I knew when I started to code (use them as your shortcut): https://twitter.com/madzadev/status/1619704657609211910
Visual explanations of core machine learning concepts. https://mlu-explain.github.io/

7 No-code tools to build faster (10X productivity): https://twitter.com/madzadev/status/1619669444971601927

Use these 8Github repositories to learn Python better🚀🚀🚀 https://twitter.com/_jaydeepkarale/status/1619690327430004736

200+ data structure and algorithms problems https://twitter.com/javinpaul/status/1619569150505926657
1. Array - https://bit.ly/3vM1JP5
2. String - https://bit.ly/3vM1JP5
3. Binary tree - https://bit.ly/3JIsn1i
4. Linked List - https://bit.ly/3zFatrn
5. Dynamic Prog - https://bit.ly/3vLwjs5
6. Recursion - https://bit.ly/3JDhUnv


Neural Networks : Zero to Hero https://karpathy.ai/zero-to-hero.html

If you are learning SQL, use these most useful YouTube videos, books, and practice sites to master it quickly: https://twitter.com/swapnakpanda/status/1617872404143046661

작은 프로젝트를 만들어가며 배우는 프로그래밍 책은 어떤게 있나요? https://news.hada.io/topic?id=8304

작은 프로젝트를 만들어가며 배우는 프로그래밍 책은 어떤게 있나요? | GeekNews

해커뉴스에 올라온 질문의 답변들Command Line RustPractical Common LispZed Shaw’s Learn More Python the Hard WayBrian Hogan’s Exercises for ProgrammersHal Fulton’s The Ruby WayChris Ferdinandi’s Vanilla JS AcademyMar




Career Paths Are Never as Straightforward as We Believe: Introducing The Path https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/career-paths-never-straightforward-we-believe-path-ryan-roslansky/

Production Twitter on One Machine? 100Gbps NICs and NVMe are fast https://thume.ca/2023/01/02/one-machine-twitter/


Rust for Professionals https://overexact.com/rust-for-professionals/



The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book by Andriy Burkov

All you need to know about Machine Learning in a hundred pages. Supervised and unsupervised learning, support vector machines, neural networks, ensemble methods, gradient descent, cluster analysis and dimensionality reduction, autoencoders and transfer lea


SQLite Internals: How The World's Most Used Database Works https://www.compileralchemy.com/books/sqlite-internals/

SQLite Internals: How The World's Most Used Database Works

Foreword Introduction Contributors The Story Behind Technical Context Overview File & Record Format Rollback & WAL mode Bytecodes Interesting Features Knowing Internals How SQLite Is modified The Future References Chapter: Foreword on SQLite Internals To a


Want to learn LLM prompt engineering from basic to advanced in a single place? learnprompting.org




효능감을 제공하는 것이 강의시장을 움직이는 수요의 핵심 https://twitter.com/commoncitizen01/status/1621066314130542592?s=61&t=nLXbC7xh95RH1zpg3Nq1ow

트위터에서 즐기는 평시

“그 때문에 '책을 쉽게 떠먹여주는 것(=다시말해, 책을 안 읽어도 해당 분야를 이해했다는 효능감을 제공해주는 것)'이 강의시장을 움직이는 수요의 핵심.. 이라고 했다. . 알듯도 모를듯도 싶은


Scientists Tried to Break Cuddling. Instead, They Broke 30 Years of Research. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2023/01/oxytocin-hormone-study-prairie-vole-receptor-research/672860/

Scientists Tried to Break Cuddling. Instead, They Broke 30 Years of Research.

Oxytocin, often lauded as the “hug hormone,” might not be necessary to induce affection.


The Rise of “Worse is Better” https://www.jwz.org/doc/worse-is-better.html 최고가 아니라 접근성이 시장을 장악함.

You Will Never Be A Full Stack Developer https://seldo.com/posts/you-will-never-be-a-full-stack-developer

You Will Never Be A Full Stack Developer

or, Career Advice For The Working Web Dev I have been thinking a lot about the thing we call "the stack", one of many vague concepts web developers use when describing themselves. People call themselves "frontend", "backend" and "full stack" but there's no


아비투스와 수저계급론 https://sovidence.tistory.com/1217

아비투스와 수저계급론

트위터에서 한차레 떠들썩하게 아비투스에 대해 설왕설래하다가, 한국은 상위계급의 아비투스랄게 없다는 식으로 정리되는걸 보니 몇 가지 생각이 떠오른다. 아비투스의 의미에 대한 복잡한


Is it time to end cats’ right to roam https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/14/cats-kill-birds-wildlife-keep-indoors

Is it time to end cats’ right to roam?

Pet cats kill songbirds by the million, as well as other wildlife. But how much of a threat do they really pose, and should they be kept indoors?


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